Is there no limit to people's stupidity, really? As some of you know there is a new installment to the Fullmetal Alchemist series called "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood." The installment is suppose to fill in details that the origional series left out. Me being a huge FMA fan I was ecstatic. But what I soon realized after I started watching the new installment was that it was the biggest abortion of an anime ever. They screwed the storyline more than the live action Death Note movies did. First off, they didn't even hire the origional artist for the series. Second, and most important, they absolutely butchered the storyline, for instance in the origional series Ed and Al first meet Major Hughs on a train that was being hijacked by a radical extremist group and later on Ed and Al help Hughs's wife, Gracia, deliver her daughter, Elicia. But no, in Brotherhood Ed and Al meet Hughs in Central after returning from Lior and Elicia was already born. Come the fuck on, you'll find more storyline alteration in Brotherhood such as that.
So my advice to all the FMA fans out there don't watch this sad and pathetic attempt at a good anime.
hey at least its better than the first anime
There is no way in hell that this piece of donkey ejaculation is better than the first. Lay off the glass dick.